Steamer Kelpies

Tuesday 6th August 2019

The forecast for today was for it to be wet with showers all day, however we woke up to a bright sunny sky. On the suggestion of the lady we are renting the cottage from we went to visit Aridsaig and more specifically the Steamer Terminal. At the moment the Steam Terminal has a copy of the Kelpies in miniature on display, having seen the originals on our last Scottish holiday we wanted to see these too. There is a miniature model person on the base to show the scale compared to the originals.

Me with the mini Kelpie
Gavin with one of the mini Kelpies

The Steamer Terminal has a very nice cafe so we also had our lunch here and watched the crane unloading the logs off lorries in the harbour at the same time.

Bacon roll and chips, was so good
It only seemed to take a few minutes for this crane to unload a whole lorry full of logs.

After lunch we went for a walk in Aridsaig and saw the lighthouse and lots of small boats.

Aridsaig Lighthouse

We headed back to the cottage then as it was starting to come over dark, and about 3pm the rain that was predicted to be with us all day arrived.

Cottage view of the heavy rain