Staying Close to Home

26th September 2021 – 3 miles travelled

Bit of an overcast day today, so we had a slow start and didn’t head out until after lunch or go very far.

The sheep were all about so we went down the drive to see them.

View of the cottage from bottom of the drive – just a bit isolated
Sheep making a run for it around Gavin
Entrance to the driveway for the cottage, which is called Oldany, there are more sheep here than people

We decided to drive some of the way back towards Drumbeg to take a look at a loch we had seen on the way here. The wind had dropped today so we took the drone with us and Gavin gave it a good fly around as there were no major obstacles and walked a little way around the loch.

Loch near Drumbeg
Loch near Drumbeg
Loch near Drumbeg
Loch near Drumbeg
Loch near Drumbeg
Loch near Drumbeg

When we got back to the cottage the sheep were waiting by the gate for us trying to get in.

Sheep waiting for us when we got back to the cottage